Victory Tone Device

VT1  and  VT2


Welcome to the world of Fine Tune Stability,


"The Gibson String Tree"


Using Victory Tone Device, you can make

your Gibson play stable like a Telecaster..

Waoo ! 


"We make Worldwide Shipping"  

Contact us and ask about our,

"Distributor Plans"


You can start your own business today !

Phone: 507 60479276 


Victory Tone Device  

Comes in different sizes 

"Im very satisfied with my

Victory Tone Device"

This device really improves

the stability of my electric guitar

it has high quality and

makes my performance easier

¡ Thank you Victory Tone

for making it possible ! 

[Juan Pérez]




To choose the correct 

Victory Tone VT-2

that works for your guitar,

just measure the distance

from the peg center post 6 to 1,

using a Ruler in (cm)

see example photo 

(4.0 cm)

from center pin 6 to 1


Victory Tone VT-2

This device does not block the view

of your guitar logo

and you don't need to remove

the Truss Rod cover


The device is made of a

very strong transparent Acrylic

and all components

pins and rollers

are Stainless Steel


Make your Gibson, stable

like a Telecaster !


Victory Tone Device

made it possible "


About us ...


Victory Tone Device

We provide our customers

with the best device

on the market today

to stabilize the

tone and performance

of their guitar


" Electric  or  Acoustic "


Our developer was the result

of years of experience

in the music industry


We guarantee

quality and satisfaction

in every purchase

Phone: 507 60479276